January 13

I Hate To Work – What To Do?


I Hate To Work – What To Do?

By Jason Moffatt

January 13, 2012

Yep, I said it. I Hate To Work.

Even though I’ve always had decent work ethic and have held down some sort of job since I was 12 years old, I’ve always loathed doing anything that is considered work. I’d just rather play all day and do things on my terms.

Of course this didn’t always fly in the real world and I was forced to buckle down and punch into the time clock in my younger days. But since my career is primarily internet based nowadays, I call the shots and decide my schedule. The problem is, I continually schedule fun days over work about 99% of the time.

It has been nearly impossible to get me to sit down and work for more than a few hours during the last two years. I’m not saying this to brag. In fact, it’s actually become a bit troublesome and a bit of a problem. I’m honestly at a loss on how to get motivated to work.

The day after Christmas I told myself I was going to abandon all social media and communication until I finished a particular project I was working on. I didn’t want to wait until New Years Day to start a big resolution. I wanted to begin right that second. And I did ok for a couple of days. I got quite a bit done, but stopped short of finishing right when I got to the 95% mark.

Why do I always do this? Why am I so good at starting things, but suck at closing? I know I shouldn’t even say these words as they are just reinforcing the idea that I can’t finish projects, but the reality of my life is feeling like the girl in the Van Hagar song “Come On Baby Finish What You Started“.

Anyhow, I know I’m not alone. This trait is very common among people, but it’s one I’d like to conquer. The amount of talent, opportunity and resources I’m squandering away is sickening at times. At other times, I’m like… “Screw it, I’d rather just surf all day, meditate and play with my dog”.

Money does not motivate me. I’ve come to learn that. If it did, I’d be releasing new products every other week. I’m not sure at all what motivates me. I don’t feel like a very motivated person. However, at times I’m totally cool with that because my biggest desire in life is to CHILL.

It seems people work their whole lives so they can one day retire and live the kick back life. Well, I already live the kick back life. Why would I want to disrupt that with working? Do you see my dilemma? No amount of money is going to change my lifestyle right now. I already do everything I want. So there seems little motivation for me to work.

When I get around the ocean I get so blissed out that everything takes a back seat. I have about 450 unanswered emails, Facebook messages, texts, etc etc etc. I’m really sorry if I haven’t gotten back to you. Or am I? I really don’t know. At times I just ignore it and don’t want to let those outside things disrupt my selfish inner flow. Other times it makes me feel guilty that I owe something or a response to the people (to some I really do).

I’m not even sure why I’m telling y’all this. Maybe to just give you a better understanding of how and why I do the things I do. Maybe so I can just understand myself a bit more. And maybe, just maybe if I air out my difficulties in finishing projects a answer will appear in front of my eyes when I’m ready.

Last week I was seriously considering the idea of just giving up everything I’ve built on the internet and marinating on the beach like a monk. It was overwhelming me, causing me unwanted stress and basically cock-blocking my fun. I’m well aware I may sound like a spoiled little brat who doesn’t want to embrace the real world to some people, but I really have no desire to live in what most people consider the real world.

Let me tell you something…

Some people will tell you that mediation is a healthy practice that will help in many aspects of your life. I’m here to tell you it can also make you seem bat shit crazy to other people and make you not give a flying fuck about the outside world. Going inwards can be a very interesting trip and it’s quite possible you may never want to come back. The serenity and calm inside can be so luxurious it makes little sense to return to the daily hustle & bustle of the work force.

So, the only way I see me working is to turn it into a whole bunch of fun. Otherwise it’s just not going to get done. I need to seriously reframe my thinking about my projects and get elated about the opportunity I have to share these things with others.

And I’m reaching out to you to help me in any way you can. Whether it’s just a nice word or encouragement, or a strategy or tactic to get my ass in gear I’m all ears. I really do want to be more productive and share what I have sitting on this computer.

I’m not kidding when I say I have about 12 different products just sitting here ready to be shared, but they are in need of a sales page, or a video, or graphics or something that I’ve been delaying because I’d just rather play.

So, the question I’m asking myself and you is… “How do I turn this work into play?” It’s the only way I see it getting done.

Any feedback would be grand.


PS: If I haven’t responded to a message of yours over the last month, please don’t take it personally. If your message is something that really needs a response, or if I’ve said I would do something for you and forgot, please gently remind me and I’ll do my best to get it taken care of.

Thank you.

About the author

Jason Moffatt

Jason Moffatt is a former private detective turned internet marketer who uses his skills of keen observation and deductive reasoning to pinpoint the easiest paths to success online. He’s passionate about helping entrepreneurs in the health & wellness field along with those in the personal development space. Jason believes we’re all a work in progress and that each day presents an opportunity to be a little be better than the last.

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  1. Hi Jason.. been ahwile..

    Happy New Year first of all and second…

    Your still online hahaha…

    your buddy Frank i see is posting his old statement emails to his customers again. And so .. on an don it goes.. reason being J Mo is that you love what you do I’m sorry but you .. like me cant help it.

    It’s in us and wont go anywhere else for comfort. Trick is to love what you do and not have to worry about making a point to someone.. cuz it will come back to you 7-fold just like karma buddy! Reason why I’m still here, and with new work as well, actions speak loudly.. even online .. just give it time 🙂 Cheers!!

    – Thomas

  2. First of all, you’re trippin. The last thing you should be asking for is motivation. That just means all of those projects that you’re working on are weak.

    If you don’t feel the inspiration (note that I didn’t say “motivated” — which is being externally driven) to knock them products out, then they are NOT IT.

    Go work on something bigger Jason, something that you’re really feeling. Leave the graphic design and web sites to other people.

    But if you honestly think those products are your BEST work EVER, and you’re still NOT doing them?

    Then I think you need to go hang on the beach a little longer, or better yet, go volunteer at the local juvenile facility, if going to Haiti is out of the question. Maybe you just need a little perspective.

    You’re one of the few I respect because you keep it candid and honest. Peace bro.

    1. I don’t think something has to be your BEST WORK EVER to want to complete it. The stuff is solid. Sold it to hundreds of people already and they love it. I just need to create a new sales pitch that is relevant for today.

      But yes, chilling at the beach til I’m ready is a good plan. Volunteering an even better one.


  3. Dude… Start doing what you did in the beginning again! Stay up all night drinking cold ones making cool little videos about shit! You obviously were having a shit load of fun doing that right! That will get you enjoying the WORK part of it again and then once you get that vibe back your feelings will change!

    I’m kind of going through the same situation, so I am going to get myself set up in an awesome office/studio in my fav part of town near my friends and I am going to just create simple videos/products to help people learn what I have learned in the last 3 years!

    I have found out that I have to WANT TO go to my work environment almost as much as I want to go do one of my other fun things that I like doing!

    Peace Brother!
    Bill Cousins

  4. Hey Jason,
    There is one SURE motivator…get hungry enough, you’ll do something to eat. Survival IS the motivator! That is what always motivates me when my lazy ass can’t seem to get into gear. In any case, have fun and be happy!

    1. Yeah David, no doubt. That’s about the best way for me to get motivated. I perform like a champ when my backs against the wall. I guess I could donate everything to charity and start from zero – 🙂

  5. Schedule your work first thing in the morning (or whenever you wake up). IF you start playing/chilling it is very difficult to then focus on work tasks. Get a kitchen timer or app for your phone and schedule time into 50 minute chunks.Then schedule a ten minute break then go back to a 50 minute work chunk then a ten minute break. During your 50 minute work chunk set your timer and do not focus on anything but work. No social media, phone calls emails etc… Just work. Then when the timer goes off set it for 10 minutes.
    You will be amazed at how productive you can be during this period and it prevents your mind from wandering off. I’m ADD as hell and I can do it. Focus your biggest opportunity on your first chunk of the day. Just my two cents worth.

    1. I do find I can work for a solid hour first thing in the morning. When I was blogging each day it was almost always done from bed before I was distracted by anything else. Eben talks a lot about using a timer, and I can see why it would work if you have the ability to stick with it. So far, I haven’t proven I can just work without all the distractions.

  6. Hi Jason,
    I think it might be more accurate not to say you hate work , but that you cant (or refuse) to work unless you are inspired to.

    Let me start with telling you something you already know- you probably ain’t going to motivate many people to connect with you by telling them that you already have a list of 450 emails which you cant be bothered to open – hahah.

    That being said I think your post will resonate with a hell of a lot of people especially in the unique times we live in where the traditional ‘work hard & save for the future’ model seems so high-risk, given the lack of integrity that we see in the world of wall street fat cats and the apparent impending doom of the global economy.You just have to look at the success of books like “The 4 hour work week” to know you ain’t alone.

    Your current dilema certainly resonates with my own- I proved that I have a good work ethic by working my butt off since I was 18(I’m 34 now). I always did a great job wherever I worked , but was rarely appreciated , furthermore I always seemed to be managed by incompetent bosses! Since I was young I have always had a very good BS detector and I knew that the 9-5 life waiting for a pension or gold watch was madness. I managed to carve out a small nest egg so I no longer needed to work for others to survive and I started to work for myself in September teaching martial arts- my new income is a fraction of what it was, but I now control my own life – In my eyes,I passed level one of the game of life.

    Anyway in response to your post:

    I love the idea of a team, with a common purpose where one members strengths compliments another’s weaknesses and visa-versa.Take for example the problem of starting stuff and getting it to 95% complete but never getting it to market. The one thing I miss about having a boss is that it forced me to complete projects- those projects were usually thoroughly uninspiring, but they got done. I love he idea of having part of the team who are responsible and gifted in the area of taking 95% completed projects and getting them to market. It could work something like this – they project managed the last 5% by outlining tasks to be done, ie videos to be filmed, sales letters to be written, websites to be created – whatever it would take, then they schedualed it in for you – at least the stuff you need ed to do – like appear in videos etc. there could also be a sign off schedual where you would be presented with different versions of things – say you were writing a book – you would be presented with say 3 different covers and your job would be simply to chose the one you liked. a simple analagy would be a relay race – ok I’m getting patronizing now- sorry

    Its nothing revolutionary – but I’m sure if you looked at it in terms of getting stuff to market it would increase productivity massivly-

    You clearly have a talent for communicating and marketing and im sure that if you applied that talent to a message which inspires you and is inline with your truth say for example using comedy and media to communicate spiritual awareness or expansion of consciousness (the most consciously evolved people I have encountered have been hilarious – I’m sure a lot of stand up guys have 3rd eyes which are opened – because they things the way they really are as a posed to the usual pretense.
    Anyway I hope there was something of use within my ramblings- and if you are looking for looking for like minds to work with on a something like this give me a shout.

    Good luck

    1. Yeah buddy, I know it’s not a good thing for me to say I hate work. It really doesn’t help the problem at all. I’m just not motivated. I’m working on trying to connect my talent for communication with a message that truly resonates with me. I really think I’m on the right track and all the feedback helps. So thanks.

  7. Hey Dude,

    My thoughts are pretty much in alignment with Paul’s comments above.

    For most of us looking in from the outside we’d be thinking that you’ve already accomplished the pinnacle of Success simply because you get to hang out with Frank and get mentioned in his videos. lol!!

    However . . . if you feel like you’re squandering your talents and opportunities and can’t seem to get your ass off the beach, from my view I feel the answer is obvious:

    You lack Vision! Like Paul said, all those projects that are rotting half-done on your hard-drive, if finished will likely pull in some cash (and you already recognize that you’re not motivated by cash) but are they really a fulfillment of your Life’s Purpose?

    There is a great Tony Robbins quote I like: “There are no such thing as lazy people; they’re just people with impotent goals.”

    None of those things you’re leaving undone hold any power for you–they’re “impotent goals”

    Doing inner work and meditation are absolutely critical, but I have the impression that you are in need of taking your eyes off of yourself and and turning your focus on the impact you can making on others.

    You clearly have a gift for connecting with people — and the ability to do it on a larger scale . . . but could it be you’ve been thinking too small?

    What Vision are you avoiding that would scare the hell out of you and really challenge you? What is something SO DAMN BIG that every day you would be absolutely charged when you hopped out of bed to get started on it? And how many lives could your be transforming in the process?

    I’m reminded of Frank’s last “State of the Internet Address” (Great Pic of you, btw), where he talks about how Jim Rohn–a shy guy from a small town decided to be something much more than he had started out to be and eventually became a mentor for Tony Robbins (as well as a ton of others) whose business has blessed the lives of millions of people. (Including me; Tony’s first book truly changed the course of my life.)

    When it is all said and done, how many of millions of people’s lives could you be impacting?

  8. Dude. . . I’m in the same boat as you. I quit my 9-5 job and now work on the internets. I planned on going for the goldmine and big bucks that some find, but a crazy thing happened. When I started making enough money to do the things I want to do, I stopped working. I work so few hours that my friends think I’m semi-retired.

    I tried everything to crank up my motivation that I could’ve turned that into a niche website, but that would’ve been too much work, ha!

    So let’s see . . . what can I suggest??? Maybe these few nuggets can help:

    1. Why fight it? If all your responsibilities are taken care of and you’re doing what you want, then accept thats the way things are going to be. All it is, is a change of perspective and acceptance.
    2. Find the higher purpose and how it will help others. Since we’re not doing it for ourselves, seeing how it helps others better their lives could be the inspiration to complete the projects.
    3. Just do the fucking work. Read the War On Art and accept the fact that the work is gonna suck, but it has to be done. Maybe it’ll make playtime that much more sweeter.

    Hope this helps. If you do find something that does, lemme know.

    – Ray

    P.S. I also thought about changing my perspective and look at each project like a game. Tons of people enjoy playing videos like Modern Warfare, Angry Birds, or SIMS. Simply apply the aspects of the games you enjoy playing to the project your working on.

  9. JMO- You don’t owe it your Family, You don’t owe it to your list, your don’t owe it to your friends, and you don’t owe it to your dog, However….

    You owe it to your Creator (My view: God)… Don’t let Her down, She wants you to create, so you unconsciously give permission for me (us) to create… Make sense?


  10. Hey Jason, how about doing a fun/work seminar where you invite a few NEW friends to meet at a neutral scenic fun spot for some brainstorming/work and then some fun adventurous playtime.

    Then you could get inspired by all the cool stuff you come up with and have your cake and eat it too!

  11. Jason, that sounds just like me. Refusing to confirm to others reality. I guess I am also waiting for the same answer you are. Except I am bum ass broke and have trouble finishing things because I don’t know if they will fly in the end. Anyway will be keeping an eye out here to see what others suggest

  12. What sounds like an isolated problem in your case Jason, I think has a dramatic impact on how everyone lives their lives (or is that lives their lives?)

    We’re either pushed to do something (because we’re starving, or have bills to pay)
    We’re pulled to it (because we have an inherent interest or there’s some kind of perceived benefit)

    I don’t think survival is the strongest instinct at all.
    The strongest instinct is the familiar, people will kill themselves before they face the unfamiliar.

    Sounds like you’re trying to push yourself instead of remembering what pulled you into it…

    or you’ve reached one of your unconscious goals …
    creating more goals or desires can help take you in new directions, refine your approach and make it fun again.

    Being fulfilled I think is about balance, a balance between the physical and the spiritual, play and work or taking the four of those and smashing them together. I think sometimes making all the distinctions and distortions between things can cause us problems where one part of us wants to get something done, but another part wants to surf and we end up trying to balance one thing but acting as if it’s all split up and external… It’s just one thing “You” but we create all these distinctions in a funny way so we can blame ourselves for something we did or didn’t do.

    We externalize aspects of our life, thinking we can organize things better that way and we trick ourselves by using time, planning to be disappointed in ourselves because we did or didn’t do something. Using our time inefficiently once again by externalizing things further, that the past “I” could/should have done something else instead of whatever it is I did do.

    In other words, we don’t take the opportunities when they’re there, we don’t take the time to get some work done when we could, instead we create an external problem of outside fun, outside work that takes up our time and energy by trying to decide what we already know we could be doing.

    I always find fun time is more fun when I get my work done.

  13. You know what Jason, I completely understand and agree with every word. And for what it’s worth, I think you’re completely on the right track.

    This is a dilemma that’s vexed me a good deal over the years, and while I haven’t completely solved the mystery, I’ve found some answers.

    One is to simply not worry about it, just have fun with whatever life throws at you. As you said yourself. Easier said than done sometimes, but essential.

    The other has to do with personal predilections about HOW to do business or make one’s living. The entrepreneur profiling framework created by Roger Hamilton has been hugely important for me to realize what really suits me and what doesn’t.

    It’s no use taking advice from or even modeling someone hugely successful, if their mode of doing things just doesn’t fit you. You’re a smart fellow, I’m betting you’ll find some answers in a matter of minutes from this book: http://bit.ly/q4Nv8W Check it out, I think you’ll love it.

    All the best, take it easy. 🙂

  14. Think of the impact you have on your clients or maybe remember they are people and not just clients or “random” people. They found you for a reason. They gravitate to you for a reason.

    Hear their voices, how excited they are you were able to help them conquer some of their biggest problems. How you influenced their lives and how they were able to use your products and words to help others; their family, their friends and strangers they meet.

    Remember the feelings you got the first time you really impacted someone and helped them achieve much more than the results you thought they could and much more than they ever thought they could.

    Remember the first person you helped and finally met, how they interacted with you, their mood and “aura”

    Remember the feelings and thoughts you had when you launched a product and it looked the way you wanted it and produced results beyond your imagination.

    and then think of standing on a board in a puddle 😛

  15. I say we trade, kinda like in the movie Karate Kid, I am wanting to pay you 8k for 6 month of coaching anyway. Instead what we do is 24 projects I do your 12 and do 12 of my own at the same time but all you do is pull the strings, One day we “paint the fence” then next week “wax the car”, etc. Then in month 6 we stand on the beach together in a crane position and kick someone’s ass or something? I live in Nor Cal you live in So Cal so you wouldn’t tempt me to chill all day, We could just skype or meet up when necessary which I would make sure doesn’t affect your lifestyle and we both get what we want, you get your projects done including a painted fence and waxed RV, and I get the connections and learn a few things. Sounds like fun for both of us. I get to be a workaholic (which is what makes me happy) you get to be a playaholic (which makes you happy). Just email me with “Daniel Son” in the subject line and you got a deal 🙂

  16. Hey Jason,

    First I would remember that even the Buddha had to come back to the real world, otherwise who would tell his story 🙂

    Next I would check out Perry Marshall’s latest Productivity product, I believe there’s some great advice in there for what you’re going through.

    Finally, I would consider learning something new, there’s no better way to get yourself back in a groove than realizing you don’t have a groove and have to live and learn or die stupid!

  17. Read “Work The System by Sam Carpenter” and remove yourself from the day to day operations of your business. Only do the part you enjoy and excel at. Be the starter and get someone else to implement and finish.

    If you don`t want to work don`t work.

    I`d pay attention to the type of meditation you are doing. Some practices can leave you feeling detached from life while others cultivate a oneness with others. Find the right one for you and you`ll want to create and connect with people through your work.

  18. Hey Jason,

    I have a link to something that I think might light a fire under you… Its a post from Mike Hill on Accountability Contracts.


    If the whole fear of pain thing doesn’t motivate ya then try it with this spin Match an accountability partner in tasks done. see who can produce the best product and get it to market the quickest.

    Another alternative would be to partner with me as I can help ya get some of those things done for your products and the final resource is a service I have created called Accountability Contract Assassin.

    It simply helps you generate an accountability contract you can use to keep things planned out and get them done! It will even be posting updates of peoples deadlines coming up as these contracts are made. ==> http://www.acassassin.com

  19. Hey Jason,

    Top Ceo’s of multimillion dollar corporations pay good money to consultants I know to help them change their lives.

    These execs are caught up in goals and productivity. They can decide a “what” to go after and have a team and the personal and professional skills to go get that what. No problem.

    The challenge with these top performers is that they got all the toys and the perks, but they can’t stop and enjoy life. They don’t get no satisfaction.

    They hire these consultants big money to help them get off their objective-ruled life. They want the kind of life and fun you are “complaining” about.

    The move they make is from a ‘what’ governed life to a ‘how’ governed
    life. ‘How’ to live a life of fun, enjoyment, and high quality relationships is something these wealthy dudes are paying for.

    And you’ve got it aleady!

    Big Congrats on that.

    So first of all, I suggest you drop the any guilt about this so-called laziness. Going back to goal motivation is going backwards for you.

    Second, I recommend you find somebody you can trust to be your “what”
    guy. You get to be the visionary rockstar that gets these wild ideas
    high on the mountaintop.

    You come down to reality only long enough to give this guy your ideas,
    and maybe a little direction.

    Then this COO (Chief Operations Officer) who loves to get whats done,
    goes to work. He (and maybe his team) make it all happen.

    You might even be curious enough to check in once in a while, just get
    a sense of whats happening. Then grab your board and head for Ponto
    pronto. (I live in Carlsbad too.)

    So the question is: Can you really delegate and then go meditate?

    Can you trust and let go?

    Appreciate your new level of life without a speck of self-criticism!!!

  20. Hi Jason,

    Dude who wants to work unless the really enjoy it, it’s seems like what your saying is you got things you feel you need to do but you lose motivation and decided to put it on the back burner and play!

    I think we all feel that way especially if it’s not fun, I recommend something that I use that works for me and it’s so simple a lot of folks feel it’s a waste of time (But I don’t!)

    You’ve probably seen it but until you used it for 90 days don’t blow it off!

    1. take a piece of paper(seems more substantial than a worpress doc. )
    make a line down the center and list everything you like to do on the left and everything that sucks on the right.

    2. figure out how to divide your time of the things you want to do with the things you must do using the same procedure!

    3. All the things that suck or you feel suck to much of your time, Hire you a VA and delegate it to them, give them access to you or some funds to get your website/graphics, all the things that you feel suck or that’s boring done without you being distracted or feeling unproductive.

    Get past that nagging feeling by getting someone to help ya, to take that load and instead of feeling down or unfocused or non productive this way you can have freedom to do what you like and also help folks and get paid to do it.

    That’s my 2 cent’s worth!

    I did kinda think it was a cool idea having like your own reality show where you could share whats happening with Jason! 😎

    Be Cool dude, ya got a lot of folks here that care about ya and Continue to try and keep up with whats happening with ya, I for one was intrigued about your step into comedy, takes some guts!

    See Ya!

  21. Jason, my man… I feel your pain. And I have the solution…

    We’ll do far more for someone else then we ever will ourselves. Understanding that is the ultimate leverage.

    Tony Robbins has an audio called “team strength”, where he tells the story of what he witnessed from members of a baseball team after they watched a movie called “The Boys of Summer”, and the critical life lesson it presented.

    Get it… listen to it. It’s just what the doctor ordered.


  22. Hi Jason,

    You would like some motivation to get more work done and money doesn’t motivate you? How about fundraising, does that motivate you?

    You’re all about fun and play, and you like kids, right? KaBoom! (http://kaboom.org/) builds playgrounds to counter what they call “The Play Deficit”. As many non-profit organisations they rely on donations to fund their work. You could pick one of your projects which you really like to finish and donate the profits of this project to KaBoom! so they can use the money to build more playgrounds and more kids get to play.

    This way you’re (more) happy as you have one project less waiting for you, your customers happy as you bring out a new great product, Kaboom! happy because they have some more funds to build more playgrounds and more kids happy with new playgrounds.

    Another example. You like natural foods and are into healthy eating habits, right? Both you could support by raising funds with a project for local community garden organisations (http://sandiegocommunitygardennetwork.org).
    Again you’ve got one more product/project finished and are more happy with yourself, your customers/subscribers more happy with a new great product, organisation happy with funds and more people have acces to healthy foods.

    How’s that for motivation? Would that work for you?

    Let me know if you like to brainstorm a little more about. I’d love to help.


  23. If you’re truly making more money than you need, than I say hire people to do the tasks that aren’t FUN for you. This will let you continue to do the stuff that is fun and spend the rest of the time doing the things you love, meditation, the ocean, etc. Many people go their whole lives before they figure out that life is meant to be LIVED. Sounds like you’ve got that part down already. Don’t try to fit back into the box. There’s too many of us in here already. I do like the idea of you doing a reality TV show though, that could help pull some of the rest of us out of the box so we can LIVE life with you! Good luck!

  24. JMO I really enjoyed reading your post!

    I’ve got a little piece of advice that might be helpful.

    Go to Brazil for a month. And partake of Ayahuasca.

    You drink it in a tea. You don’t just do it once, you’ll want to
    drink it a couple of times a week for a month.

    And you need to do it in Brazil where it comes from. Not in California, it won’t work right there.

    So you go and drink Ayahuasca and you meditate on it. This is not a drug, but a medicine and you do it in a ritual where you drink the tea and then meditate and concentrate and surrender, and let it take you.

    It will change your life and will give you the direction that you seek.

    Good luck!

    1. Thanks for the tip. Coincidentally I’ve been wanting to partake in a Ayahuasca session but have declined each time because I wanted an ideal setting. Interesting you say it won’t work right in California. May have to get myself down south here at some point. Thanks for chiming in man.

  25. Jason,

    Looking at the comments there are a lot of choices but I think it may be easier than all of that. I’ll relate this to excersize. I hate doing it and left to me by myself I won’t do it. But, if I have a partner that is expecting me to be there I will.

    Maybe working with a partner would help.

    On the other hand, what are you working on, (I don’t expect you to answer that publicly) will it help people? If so, how much would it help them and is it something that you “almost owe” civilization?

    Just my thoughts, hope they help.

  26. On the other hand. I think we all (if we really look inside ourselves) are looking for more time. What’s important to you? It’s the only real motivator.

  27. Travel to another part of the world and get another perspective on things. Go the the jungles or ghettos of Brazil, parts of India, the temples in Cambodia, the townships in South Africa. Go to any part of the world that calls you. You will find some answers. You have an amazing luxury of do what you want and going where you want to at any time. USE IT!

    Sometimes what we want and what we think the solution is can only show up on are 1inch radar. The universes radar is infinitely large and you don’t see whats in plan for you to answer you intention.

    On a practical side and you already know this, have your team finish up want you don’t want to do, you just throw ideas at them like John Reese would do.

    For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something…almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.

    Steve Jobs

    p.s catch some Awesome Waves!

    p.p.s my previous message got deleted as I hit the send button! Poo Ah…

  28. Sounds like you need a partner. Find someone who enjoys the grind of getting your products live. Basically look for your opposite in the world. You will be surprised how awesome things become when all you have to do is what you want, and they do the rest 🙂

  29. Jason,

    Funny, I should find this now. I’m having a time with doing what needs to be done.

    Today was at TMN for Jaycee’s show, his theme is about self management.

    He left a little daily todo. Do this three times a day, put in three of your spots.

    Only for today I will have a program

    I may not follow it, but I will have it

    I will save myself from two pests:

    Hurry and Indecision

    He says to read this morn, noon & nite?

    It’s worth a try.


  30. Delegate everything you don’t like doing. People do it all the time and you’ve already been delegating, you just may not be aware of it.

    For example: If you’ve ever taken a cab, you’ve delegated the driving. If you’ve ever eaten out, you delegated the cooking.

    So, jump on Elance, rent-a-coder, fiver.com, etc. and pass off more of the work you don’t like doing. I say “more” because there is always something you can’t hire out. That’s OK! you can still delegate the part that’s so hard to do… getting started. Or in your case finishing.

    What I mean is that you can delegate to a friend, JV partner, etc. whose diligent in their work to call you everyday when they get started working and get you work and check up on you during their breaks to review what you’ve accomplished and stay on you until you’ve finished. (You might have to do something for them in return, but it’s likely to be worth it.)

    If that’s not enough motivation, write them a $500 check and tell them to give it to a cause you hate if you’re not finished with a project by a certain date.

    I could go on, but I’m sure you get the idea.

    Oh ya, one more tip….

    Try Focus Booster at focusboosterapp.com. It’s a free application that’s crazy simple and unbelievably effective. For something more complex try Rescue Time at rescuetime.com.

  31. Hey Jason,

    I read your email and jumped on to your blog hoping to find some motivation. I’m in the same space. I just want to hang out and chill. Spent twenty plus years on the road in sales and finally stopped because I was burned out.

    I’d like to make money online, but it seems like a long, uphill challenge to make a living in online. Hate the idea of offline because I hate the thought of running around again.

    I’m not looking to build an empire. All I want is enough for the essentials and money to travel around once in a while.

    I live in the Pacific Northwest, so the dark, wet winter days only add to the lack of motivation.

    If you find any answers, Jason, be sure to send out an email!!


    1. Hey Larry, I know how you feel about the darkness man. It can be brutal at times. The challenge is uphill, but it doesn’t have to be too long if you jump into the right space. I hope to shed some light in my newest Truth Serum report.

  32. Yeah dude….you obviously don’t have a wife….or else she would kick your ass to get off the couch if you were laying around all day. That would motivate you.

  33. Sometimes it is hard to get motivated, I guess if you love doing something then it helps a great deal.The biggest motivator that I have fopund is having too because there is no other choice. The wife nagging comes a measly second to that.

  34. Hey man… I rarely ever write on people’s blogs – but I always read your stuff and your dilemma resonated with me.

    First off, there’s nothing wrong with you. I’m not motivated by money either (although I do quite well for myself), and enjoy fucking off as much as possible.

    Second, I’m a firm believer that if you do not go within… you will go without. So keep up the meditating and chilling. As much as those “take-action” types will try to persuade you otherwise – enjoy idleness as much as you can.

    Finally, it’s obvious you have a group of people who know, like, and trust you… and will consequently buy things you offer. If completing projects is difficult for you, partner with others who like doing that stuff… get it out, and see what sticks. Or, if you like to share what you know in person – offer quarterly workshops/seminars. That will allow you plenty of time (and enough money) to fuck off and still do work you enjoy with people who enjoy your work…

  35. Hello,

    My friend sent me your article because he got a kick out of it as it totally relates to many of us surfers in San Diego, striving to work smart and play hard!

    Through my business experience for the last 5-10 years, I have gained a strong ability to coach or assist in personal and business development in many areas. I offer consulting for $25 per hour but am not interested in your money. What I would recommend is to take small baby steps towards your most promising product. One at a time (when the surf is flat, of course). WRITE SMALL GOALS DOWN ON A POST IT and work at them an hour or 2 a day. Once I developed a successful business, I started losing motivation as well and realized that I want to live a retirement style life now in my late 20’s and 30’s and not when I need a knee replacement and Gd forbid have Alzheimers setting in!

    Anyhow, if you want to have a board meeting (in the water) or need some consulting, or a good contact, let me know. Maybe we could motivate each other or just bounce idea’s back and forth. The more realistic the persons perspective is for YOU, the more it can help you to see who you are at this present moment and what you are capable of having passion for.

    Jonathan O.- Mission Beach

  36. Maybe busting out IM products isn’t your next level man. Not sure if this is the case for you, but if I were in your shoes I might be inclined to stick to the whole IM training thing because it’s what has provided your lifestyle and it’s what you’re good at. But maybe it’s just brought you to a point where you can jump off into something radder. You’ve created the means to do almost literally anything you want with your life. And maybe your next direction has nothing to do with the IM world. Think bigger.

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