December 5

Time To Elevate With The Elevation Group


Time To Elevate With The Elevation Group

By Jason Moffatt

December 5, 2011

Investment Strategies Of The Rich, jason moffatt, mike dillard, Richard Branson, Robert Kiyosaki, the elevation group, TheElevationGroup

Most of you that follow my internet marketing adventures know that I portray the image of a surfer/slacker bum most of the time.

Well… I have a confession to make. That image is actually true.

Unlike my buddy and marketing mentor Frank Kern who readily admits he uses that image or angle to his advantage at times, my reality is quite a bit different. I actually enjoy screwing off, surfing and hanging out WAY MORE than I ever have working. In fact, I think I worked so hard most of my life that when I discovered how easy it was to generate online income I became complacent with making a handsome six figure income and my work ethic reached a plateau.

Being content with being semi-rich, I’ve never fully applied myself or put in full effort. And that’s a damn shame because I should easily have at least $5,000,000.00 stashed away in savings by now. My talents and knowledge have been severely squandered and I think it’s about time I start doing something to change that.

Here’s why…

My life is dramatically different than it was just a few years ago. While I can still live an incredible and free life as a nomadic vagabond touring the country in my RV, I’m starting to desire more. As I grow closer to 40 years old I’m starting to think about things like family, philanthropy and stashing away a nest egg for retirement. (Did I just say the “R-Word?)

Apparently it seems like I’m growing up or something. Hell hath frozen over!

Anyhow, many of my readers and subscribers were initially attracted to me and my marketing efforts because I loved to teach money making strategies and techniques to build your bank account. I’ve been fairly lazy about that in the last 2 years and have removed almost all of my products from the internet because I didn’t feel like dealing with customer support, employees and other realities that having a business entail. I told you I was really lazy. Just by removing these products alone I’ve forfeited a mountain of cash. Dumb, dumb, dumb!

But it’s time to start the engine again, and I think you are going to dig it. Lets face it, I don’t market like the average crowd. I don’t plug bullshit and I tell it like it is. My opinion can never be bought and I strive to only promote items and techniques that I think are truly of value to you and your business.

So in the coming days, weeks and months you’ll see a lot more promos from me. These will not simply be quick cash grabs, but rather tools and techniques that you can use to make oodles of money. I’ll also be releasing about half a dozen of my own products that have been in the works during the last 2 months as well. All I need at this point is to finish the videos sales letters as the products are already done!

Okay, so lets get on with it and start ELEVATING!

Last year I was in Austin Texas and stopped into Mike Dillard’s office and he began telling me about his new direction in business. He was deviating away from his existing business model (a model that was doing millions of dollars) to focus on his new passion and mission “The Elevation Group“.

The Elevation Group is all about growing and protecting assets and money in a way that only the smartest and richest folks in the world do. We’re talking about strategies employed by millionaires and billionaires across the globe. To be honest, I didn’t really even care at the time. I’m the idiot who’s still overpaying a high interest car loan because I’m too lazy to go to my bank and refinance the damn thing.

It all sounded nice in theory, but for some reason I’ve always been an idiot with investments and saving money. “Easy Come, Easy Go” has always been my motto. I think it’s time to start changing that.

Whether you are sitting on a pile of cash, property investments, a stockpile of gold or are still trying to get going with your financial investments I think it’s a really good idea to pay attention to what Mike Dillard and The Elevation Group is putting together with this launch.

Click Here To See The FREE Elevation Group Videos

Mike Dillard & The Elevation Group
Mike Dillard & The Elevation Group

Mike doesn’t fool around when it comes to helping you make money!

He’s rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest financial geniuses on the planet… ie… Richard Branson, Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) and more.

The dude knows what he’s talking about and I highly encourage you to pay attention to these FREE set of videos he’ll be releasing this week regardless of the financial situation you are in…

Click Here To See The FREE Elevation Group Videos

Lets Do This!

Jason “Profit” Moffatt

About the author

Jason Moffatt

Jason Moffatt is a former private detective turned internet marketer who uses his skills of keen observation and deductive reasoning to pinpoint the easiest paths to success online. He’s passionate about helping entrepreneurs in the health & wellness field along with those in the personal development space. Jason believes we’re all a work in progress and that each day presents an opportunity to be a little be better than the last.

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  1. Ha cool bro. Yeah I like reading your posts..very fresh and down to earth. Uh yeah getting close to 40 will make you re-evaluate your life and your perspective and analysis on life and what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. I think they call the term “mid life crisis” even though not really a crisis but a sort of “crap am I really 40?” How did that happen? I better start to re-organize things and plan accordingly. Keep it coming bro.

    1. Thanks Rich. Keep in mind, it’s still going to be 40 going on 19 but just a bit more mature 19. Geez, can’t believe I’ll be 40 soon. Maybe those Mayans will be right and it will never have to happen.

      1. Jason, Ya know as I read your post I think that saying this might help with your subscriber list. We understand the emails that have promos etc..and how they also allow you to make some affiliate commission is someone buys product you promote. However, as I’ve been in this game for a while now…what I think would really benefit your readers would be something (product – yours or someone elese’s) that is legit and actually will make them money online but not spammy or a fad that will be obsolete in a month.

        Making a legit presence on the web now is more about offering value (especially since Panda) to end user….and duh who can blame them. More importantly, creating a business that takes work and in the end is a viable cyber real estate job-killing income.

        So offering a solution to the readers pain…making money….instead of pitching the next shiny object. Just my 2 cents.

        1. I thought the exact same thing. I haven’t found much value in most of the things promoted through you Jason but you did help inspire me which I feel holds way more value than any product. It wasn’t too long ago I heard this same tune of “more promotions” and right or wrong it screams desperation play just like it did before.

          So I have to agree with Rich on this one.

          1. I haven’t joined the Elevation Group as I don’t have a ton of money to invest just yet. From what my close friends have told me it is far from “the next shiny object”. It’s already been around a year and I many people I have talked to are learning how to invest “outside the box”. I would recommend checking out the product someone is promoting before you scream that it has no value Rich.

  2. I will watch the free vids thanks.

    So if I stop spending $100 to $200 a week on WSOs at the warior forum, and take that money and put it work for me instead (Light bulb over head) I would probably be better off?

  3. MoFo – I just turned 48 in October! You’re singing the near 40’s Blues, I’m singing the near 50 Blues! Can’t wait for the new stuff!

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