September 22

How To Use Subscriptions On Facebook


How To Use Subscriptions On Facebook

By Jason Moffatt

September 22, 2011

Facebook is going through some radical changes in the next few days. One of the changes that has been existent for a couple weeks is “Subscriptions”. Not too many people have been talking about it, and many don’t even know it exists.

So, here’s a brief video showing you how to enable your Facebook Subscriptions and how you can subscribe to my channel even if you aren’t a current friend of mine. That way you’ll still get all my updates, and since I leave my profile open to the public you can comment, and converse with my community.

I’m stoked about subscriptions because I have hundreds of amazing people waiting in the cue to be friends, and I can’t approve them without deleting others first. For the last year I’ve been weeding out people like crazy but it’s getting really hard to find people to delete anymore as I consider the majority of my network friends or acquaintances.

If you’d like to subscribe to my updates you can visit my personal profile here…

And if you want to LIKE my Facebook Fan Page you can do so here…



About the author

Jason Moffatt

Jason Moffatt is a former private detective turned internet marketer who uses his skills of keen observation and deductive reasoning to pinpoint the easiest paths to success online. He’s passionate about helping entrepreneurs in the health & wellness field along with those in the personal development space. Jason believes we’re all a work in progress and that each day presents an opportunity to be a little be better than the last.

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  1. Thanks Jason for an easy to follow example of how to set this up. I guess the next question of how to get subscribers was also answered in this post. You simply ask for them! Great job. I was already subscribed to you anyway! LOL
    Have a great week!

    1. @ Michael ~ Yeah man, never hurts to ask. I think you also have to start building a steady consistency of providing worthwhile or readable content. The further we move into the future the more it’s going to be about outstanding quality.

  2. Jason:

    Really great information. I happened upon subscriptions the other day and did not know quite what it was but just from reading felt like it was good. I love the idea, but I have a lot of fanpages, so can there be a subscription just for a fanpage or only for a profile?

      1. Ok great thanks. Also where can I find out about the upcoming changes happening to Facebook or is that only privileged information for select people (such as yourself) (smile).


  3. By law in Europe one is not allowed to use Facebook for business, not to have a like button on a website and not a fan page. This because of privacy policy. We are asked to wait for changes in facebooks privacy policy. Most of the European marketers use facebook in their marketing and again and again it happens that they have to pay a penalizing fee or are sued by a user and usually lose. We in Europe hope that Facebook has now made the necessary changes, so that Facebook will be allowed in Europe.

  4. Hey, I like the subscriptions too. I’ve also noticed when someone sends a friend request that they automatically get subscribed if you have subscriptions turned on.

    Another thing is sending people to your Google+ page. Do you have yours yet?

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