August 19

David Wolfe Interviews Me At Longevity Conference


David Wolfe Interviews Me At Longevity Conference

By Jason Moffatt

August 19, 2010

david wolfe, davidwolfe, jason moffatt, jasonmoffatt, longevity conference

David Wolfe is one of the smartest people I’ve ever met in my entire life. Ask him any question on any subject and your guaranteed to be in for a answer that will keep you glued to your seat. I’m baffled how this guy has the time absorb so much info about life, health and other worldly topics.

But David is mostly known for helping to pioneer the raw food movement. What I love about David so much is that he’s a realist when it comes to other people’s eating habits. He isn’t forceful or condescending to people who do eat meat or garbage but rather just encourages them to make small adjustments that are feasible and likely to be done. David realizes you are still going to drink your coffee and pig out on fast food once in a while. And even though that’s not on his menu or dietary choices, he’s smart enough to recognize it’s probably on yours. So instead of being a food nazi, he creates methods and strategies to help people slowly create changes in their diet and entire lifestyle that will benefit them for a long long time.

Anyhow, this video below has very little to do about food. Instead David interviews me on childlike behavior, living in the now, and taking full responsibility for my life. I hope you enjoy, it’s one of my favorite interviews that I’ve ever done.



About the author

Jason Moffatt

Jason Moffatt is a former private detective turned internet marketer who uses his skills of keen observation and deductive reasoning to pinpoint the easiest paths to success online. He’s passionate about helping entrepreneurs in the health & wellness field along with those in the personal development space. Jason believes we’re all a work in progress and that each day presents an opportunity to be a little be better than the last.

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  1. Awesome video buddy, thanks for the presentation.

    I know what you mean about things going shitty for you at some point in the day, then things flipping around – almost at that “point of motion” or something. It’s a pretty awesome feeling and makes you appreciate your life so much more.

    The way I think of it is – “if I was going to DIE tomorrow, what would I do today?”

    Great stuff, keep it up dude.

    Talk soon,
    – James.

  2. Wow… awesome dude.

    I love the part about seeing the flowers on the side of the road – I do the EXACT same thing when I drive up to my parents house in the mountains. The drive up is absolutely gorgeous and I constantly find myself just immediately getting into the “now” stage.

    Good stuff, keep it coming!

    Jeremy Reeves

    P.S. Another great way to really appreciate beauty/be in the “now” is to just sit somewhere and watch animals go about their day. Try it out!

  3. The force in charge of the universe took a little dirt (kind of like your last Video lol) and created life. Then he placed mud and spit and put it in the eyes of a blind man and he saw. There were times in my life that I thought people were my enemy. We all need to come out from the Damascus road and allow our eyes to be opened. I know this much you have been given a special gift to help mankind and this Earth. We all are going to thanking you for not giving up.

  4. Great interview, the glow looks good on ya Jason.
    I like to chase the high I get from helping people.
    Senior with heavy package, car broke down……
    Whether or not a person has a degree and a high paying job doesn’t really matter but helping to keep the world running smoothly does.

  5. It’s interesting… I’ve been feeling sickly lately, stomach bloated, feeling like I was going to end up in the hospital (which happened 3 years ago). So I switched to mostly a raw food, sodium free diet – fruits and raw vegetables and a little brown rice.

    In just one week, the bloating went down, my sky-high blood pressure went down and the water retention in my legs went w-a-a-y down. I’ll admit it’s not as tasty as a juciy steak, but it’s not bad and the results have been absolutely amazing in just 8 days. It really works!

    Good stuff Jason. Keep it coming.

    Best Wishes,
    Carl Willoughby

  6. I eat raw-as-I-can, and I’m getting better at it. My medical condition is better, too. When I have a juicy steak, it’s raw-as-I-can (restaurants give you grief about it, but at home, it’s raw-raw-raw!)

    I don’t have animal products very often, so they are both rarely eaten and rarely done. Mostly vegetables! Thanks for this great interview.

    Sam Longoria

  7. Jason,

    You’ve had quite an adventure since this video!!!

    And you may speak your mind like Cartman, but you are no way like him (Cartman is an overweight, spoiled, foul-mouthed, mean-spirited, selfish, sociopathic and ill-tempered fourth-grader). Well, maybe the foul-mouth applies some of the time, LOL!

    You do go for the natural high and elation. It’s when the brain starts with activating DOPAMINE secretion (ventral tegmental area) as well as serotonin and oxytocin. Dopamine cranks up desire and the body responds with the pounding heart, butterflies in your stomach, dry mouth, shivers of delight, giddiness…

    Your transparency, honesty, and now HOLLYWOOD famous COMEDY activates brain centers for euphoria, heightened mood, elation, and a lot more!

    Thanks for reminding me about Frank Webber and the significance of responsibility, ethics, and commitment.

    “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better” Émile Coué de Châtaigneraie (February 26, 1857 – July 2, 1926)

    Great to cultivate this state of mind – and attitude of best day ever!

    Thank you from the bottom of my love bucket,
    Sherrie Rose

  8. Can you clarify what you mean by “I pretty much quit marketing”? I still get promotional mail from you, so can you explain what you mean?


    1. Well, I haven’t sold any of my own products for the last 6 months or so. I’ve only been marketing as an affiliate and I’ve slowed that down to a crawl as well. The amount of time I put into marketing has been almost non existent recently. However, I do still need to put food in my belly and keep the lights on so occasionally I do promote items that I think my readers will benefit from. At the time of this video I was considering quitting marketing all together and was really close.

      1. Hey Jason,

        First off great video. I was going to be asking the same question. Mainly what I was curious to know was why you were quitting. The reason I ask is because I feel the same way at times.

        Not because of it being hard, I actually make a full time living online. But I feel like most of the profitable stuff out there to promote is really bad quality products and information. (I’m not saying All products and information is bad…)

        And I’m talking about all the niches, not just the IM niche. Even the relationship niche as well. It’s just ghost written products from non experts giving expert advice.

        I was wondering if you feel the same way. Also, when you refer to quit marketing, did you mean all marketing or just the IM niche.

        Hope this isn’t to personal, it’s just nice seeing someone that I can relate to on this matter.


  9. I first got Avo’s Best Day Ever CD 5 years ago. Adopted the philosophy immediately. “This is the best day ever! This is the best day ever! This is the best day ever!” Interesting how the synchronicities line up and magic begins to flow. Eventually you just believe it and keep asking “how can I make this the best day ever?!”

    And do it is so!

    Congrats bro!


  10. I loved the fact that you were brutally honest in that interview. Totally loved it. David Wolfe rocks too. You two together really bring out special qualities in each other.

    Thanks for sharing!

  11. very good interview, Jason. I’ve been in the natural food industry since 1973 and have known of David for a few years. What is his background in the industry? Did he work at a retail store? Just curious.


  12. Hi Guys,
    Kinda late in viewing this…got that email overwhelm thang goin’ on.
    I wanted to say – great interview. Bravo to stopping the alcohol and going for the health & superfoods.
    Love the honesty. I know the elation Jason spoke of (athletes doing great and breaking barriers by having the manly hug, etc.) I’m always looking for the incredible out there. AND it’s everywhere if you just pay attention.
    I wanted to share my view of living in the now vs. “the past”. David stated that when you’re thinking of the past you’re “in the past”…but my belief (and many others may agree)is: As there is ONLY “now”, you’re actually in the now when you think of your past OR- your future. Therefore IT becomes what’s real for you. Our mind doesn’t know the “real” from the imagined. It is using your now-time to re-create a scene, be it future or past. But you are using your focus & energy to create or re-create something, always. The trick is to learn from the past and be focused on “what you want” in your now, which is creating your future.
    Ah, it’s all so much fun.

    Take care –
    Happy New Years

  13. I saw this interview before loved it but it never hit me like it just did probably because of the great denial thing that we let into our lives if we are careless.

    At the age of 17.5 I graduated high school two weeks later I was in college and achieved an AS in culinary arts and hotel management in a year. Worked that gig for a few years then got into construction. I did the GC thing for most of 18 years got sick of it sold out and moved to Seattle. I took a year off of work and did over 1000 hours of school clinic and an internship at two hospitals to get my massage license. During that year of school I got so right with myself it wasn’t funny. I know what you are talking about when you speak of getting right with yourself, I was there. Then I again allowed circumstances I should have taken control of to rule my world. Many moons have passed and things have slowly been turning around. Just for instance most of the first 5 years after massage school the two adults in this house consistently put a handle jug of whiskey away every day. An awesome destructive path but just like everything else I had abused in my lifetime I woke up one morning and just left it. I’ve had a few beers now and again in the past 4 or 5 years no big deal. Defiantly everything started getting clearer without the rose colored shot glass.

    But here is the thing that just hit me, and I know better, way… better. If I am not right with myself my business will never excel and grow the way I want it to. I know it’s a long story to say something so simple and obvious. I just wanted to show that I am far from a dummy. I think being intelligent can be a curse sometimes when it comes to rationalizing things that are wrong. Things that I dam well know are the absolute laws of the universe and just need to be, I can stack in an adverse order, then justify being out of sync by re-prioritizing and refocusing. So no longer is the order of things necessarily important but the outcome is, so I can say I don’t have to do A, B, C, D, and, E. So by overlooking necessities I can just do B to get to E, not working so well.

    I just wonder how many people are ignoring what Jason is talking about and expecting great results in their lives as I. Really doesn’t know that many people that are real successful and happy that are not in tune with their inner being and treating their body in a healthy way. I’ve tried it!

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